Stewardship Treasure Form

Time and talent offerings are considered a vital part of stewardship. The Church encourages every Steward to seek out a ministry, task or role in the parish. Please contact a Ministry, parish leader or parish staff to offer your pledges of Time and Talent.
Our Church, Our Spiritual Home

In gratitude for God’s blessings I/we commit to Christ and His Church my/our financial pledge to St. Spyridon Orthodox Church for the year 2022.
Giving/Pledge Information

Although all offerings are received gratefully, committing to a monthly pledge amount allows the parish to better plan and budget its limited resources, which in turn support all our worship, ministries, staff and facility expenses.

Your financial pledge is held in confidence and only viewed by the Parish Council Treasurer (or designee).
Please select one option.
Giving Options
Pay by check (Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly)

If you would like to automate your stewardship payments, please consider using the following options:
Online Bill Pay, set by you through your bank (preferable as we will not be charged any administrative fees for this service)
Breeze (a percentage per transaction of your giving goes to Breeze for administrative fees, unless you choose to cover those fees)

Please visit and click "Create Account" to begin.
Please select all that apply.
Online Signature

By checking this box you are signing for yourself as an adult (18 or older) and acknowledging that the above information is accurate.
Please select all that apply.


Time and talent offerings are considered a vital part of stewardship. The Church encourages every Steward to seek out a ministry, task or role in the parish. Please contact a Ministry, parish leader or parish staff to offer your pledges of Time and Talent.